Change Users Role In WordPress

You Can Change Users Role In WordPress Manually

We have talked about adding users in WordPress. Now I am here to let you know how to change users role in WordPress? You can add users in WordPress, but it’s important to assign them a role. To manage users in WordPress, you will have many options.

You can allow a user to write/edit your blog posts but don’t allow to edit other users blog posts. You can allow a user just to share the content and have nothing to do with other’s profile. For each user, there may provide some certain abilities.

You can change users role in WordPress when you add a user or you can do it later from the list of all users including you. In this pos,t I am going to let you know about managing the users’ role, and whom to assign it?

How To Change Users Role In WordPress Manually

Before going further let me ask you a simple question. What’s the need to set the ability of the users for your website? Why do you add new users? What’s the difference between all the roles played by users on your website?

I have answers to all these questions. To handle your website, you will need an account in WordPress for which you have to create a new user. If you want the supreme power in your hand then assign yourself as an “administrator”. It’s the most powerful role to play.

When you allow others to write the post at your website then you have yo add those users into your WordPress so that they can write blog posts for you. The important thing is about their role to be played.

You can manage users role in WordPress by using some simple steps:

Step 1:- Login into your WordPress and then find “Users” option.

Step 2:- Now click on “All Users” and all the users will be shown to you.

Step 3:- To change the role of any individual user you have to select that user. You can change the role of more than one user at a time if you want to assign them the same role.

Step 4:- There is an option above showing “change role to” >subscriber, contributor, author, editor, administrator. Just select the role and click “change” button.

I am going to tell you about all the roles which can be allocated to users:

1: Subscriber :- This is the role with limited freedom. When a user plays this role at your website then he/she is only able to login into your WordPress to leave the comment at your blog without filling the details every time. He/she can’t write, edit the blog posts. A subscriber can’t make any changes with other users profile. He/she can maintain his/her own profile only.

2 : Contributor :- As I have mentioned above that when you allow others to write blog posts on your blog then you to assign them a role. Here it is. Users who are assigned to a contributor role can write blog posts for your blog and can edit their blog posts. But, they can’t edit the blog posts of other people. Website owners can have more control over their contributors with the help of plugins.

3 : Author :- You may have seen many bloggers write the guest post at others blog and have their own bio page. They are generally assigned with an author role. Users with author’s role can edit, delete, publish their own blog posts. They can change the password of their profile. Many website owners provide capabilities to the authors. They can reply to the comments of their own blog posts.

4 : Editor :- Some more freedom is given to an editor. To write, edit, publish blog posts of their own is included. An extra capability is that an editor can edit other’s blog posts too. At most of the website bloggers who work for a partner are allotted this role. There is only one role which has more capability than an editor’s role. That is an administrator’s role.

5: Administrator :- Here you go. It is always recommended that the role of an administrator should be assigned only to the owner of the website. Be careful while assigning this role to anyone else. It is because an administrator has the full power to access the content of the full website.

I am sure you don’t to take any risk. If you have any partner who at whom you have faith then only you should assign this role to the user.

Manage Users In WordPress and Be Safe:

It’s a critical issue to think about. You must know about the capabilities of the users of their individual role. WordPress gives you the freedom to handle them according to you.

As I have mentioned above, you can also use some plugins to control the users’ role.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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